SNDlib is a library of data for Survivable fixed telecommunication Network Design. Its purpose is to provide data about realistic telecommunication networks (including traffic) available to the research community.

SNDlib has officially been announced at the DRCN 2005 conference by Michał Pióro from Warsaw University of Technology and Roland Wessäly from atesio and Zuse Institut Berlin (ZIB). Its original version, hosted at ZIB, contained problem descriptions and solutions along with the actual topologies and static traffic matrices. The intention was to compare strategies and algorithmic approaches in network design, making it a platform similar to the TSPlib. However, most researchers actually used only the base data for their own research vision, in most cases deviating from the SNDlib problem descriptions.

For a second version of SNDlib, established in 2011, Filip Idzikowski, Christian Raack, Sebastian Orlowski, and Kai Hennig added new topologies and also dynamic traffic matrices. All these matrices stem from measurements in real networks and have been mapped to the SNDlib topologies.

This third version of SNDlib keeps all topologies and demand matrices. Problem descriptions and solutions have been dropped. Furthermore, SNDlib has been moved from ZIB to Poznan University of Technology (PUT) in 2023 and is currently maintained by Filip Idzikowski (PUT) with help from Christian Raack (atesio). Everyone is welcome to contribute by sending any suggestions or questions to

We hope that SNDLIb remains useful for research in optimization and operation of telecommunication networks and their operation.

© 2023 Poznan University of Technology (PUT)