?SNDlib native format; type: network; version: 1.0 # NODE SECTION # # [(, )] NODES ( A ( 11.49 49.26 ) B ( 11.80 48.65 ) C ( 12.25 49.10 ) D ( 12.40 49.90 ) E ( 11.43 49.90 ) ) # LINK SECTION # # ( ) ( { }* ) LINKS ( # Assume that unit 1 corresponds to 2 Mbit/s. Then # - L_AB has 63 (STM-1) preinstalled at cost 100, # - routing cost is 10 per flow unit, # - fixed-charge setup cost per link (if considered) is 1000, # - additional capacities 63 (STM-1) and 252 (STM-4) can be # installed at cost 1000 and 1200, respectively (on link L_AB). # L_AB ( A B ) 63 100 10 1000 ( 63 1000 252 1200 ) L_AC ( A C ) 0 0 10 1000 ( 63 1300 252 1800 ) L_AD ( A D ) 0 0 10 1000 ( 63 2000 252 3000 ) L_BC ( B C ) 0 0 10 1000 ( 63 1200 252 1900 ) L_BD ( B D ) 0 0 10 1000 ( 63 1000 252 2000 ) L_DC ( D C ) 0 0 10 1000 ( 63 1000 252 2000 ) L_DE ( D E ) 0 0 10 1000 ( 63 1000 252 2000 ) L_EC ( E C ) 0 0 10 1000 ( 63 1000 252 2000 ) ) # DEMAND SECTION # # ( ) DEMANDS ( # 2-Mbit/s demands (routing unit 1): D_AC ( A C ) 1 50 UNLIMITED () D_EC ( E C ) 1 27 UNLIMITED () # STM-1 demands (routing unit 63): # A routing path for this link must have at most 2 links # if the HOP_LIMIT_MODEL is set to INDIVIDUAL_HOP_LIMITS. D_AB ( A B ) 63 2 2 () ) # ADMISSIBLE PATHS SECTION # # ( { ( + )}+ ) # # If the admissible-path model is EXPLICIT_LIST, at most the # paths listed here are admissible, otherwise all paths. # Both sets of paths may be further restricted by hop limits. ADMISSIBLE_PATHS ( D_AC ( P1 ( L_AB L_BC ) P2 ( L_AC ) P3 ( L_AB L_BD L_DC ) ) D_AB ( P1 ( L_AB ) P2 ( L_AC L_BC) ) D_EC ( P1 ( L_EC ) P2 ( L_DE L_DC ) P3 ( L_DE L_BD L_BC ) P4 ( L_DE L_BD L_AB L_AC ) ) )